sábado, 11 de junio de 2011

Día del Ambiente

Last Sunday (June 5th) I went to a concert in the Parque Central that was organized for the Día del Ambiente to protest the establishment of a big gold mining projects in the region. From what I have been told these projects, funded by North American capital, began in Peru and have been making their way south over the last several years (decades?). However, they are short-sighted in that they boost employment in a given town for about a decade until the mines have been depleted and then leave a ghost town behind. The other major problem is that the mining process requires a lot of water (which is already scarce in this part of the country) and presents serious environmental risks.

Given the population and agriculture in the region, there are already significant water distribution issues in Mendoza. The concert protested the big mining projects and emphasized their potentially devastating environmental impact. These are several signs and banners that protest the proyecto megaminero.

The concert featured a series of musical groups, bands, and singers.

This chorus of men dressed up like drops of water and sang a song that reminded the audience about their daily need for clean water and criticized the politicians that prioritize short-term economic growth over the long-term stability of the region.

Despite the fact that it was cold and dreary outside, it was an interesting way to spend my Sunday afternoon. The crowd included families, young people, and just like in the U.S., hippies. I saw lots of people drinking mate and even though it's not my favorite drink, I would have loved to have had some to keep me warm. By the time it started to get dark, I had to leave and unfortunately missed the band that I had initially wanted to see (Pucha che!), but the party was just getting started. Here is the scene as I began my walk home.

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