sábado, 11 de junio de 2011


Last Tuesday, a friend invited me to go to a presentation by a local cartoonist named Chanti (Santi is short for Santiago, Chanti is how a young child would pronounce it). In preparation, I borrowed a couple of Chanti's books which include the Mayor y Menor series, Misión + Cota, and El Futre. They are pretty funny and quite creative. Tuesday's presentation launched the 4th book in the Mayor y Menor series about little boy and his baby brother.

What I didn't know was that the audience would be made up of about 85% kids, 14% parents, and a 1% minority that were unattached to children (which was really just me and the two other people I was with).

The artist drew some sample cartoons for us, talked about the inspiration for the characters in his story (nieces and nephews), and answered some astute questions from children in the audience (e.g. why does the little brother only think his comments, but never talk? do you ever get bored with drawing?).

For me, the most exciting part of the presentation was at the end when they held a drawing to give away posters and books to the kids (and maybe one adult)---and I won a poster! When I went up on stage to claim my prize, I was the only adult in line with a bunch of 10 year olds and towered above of everyone around me. Regardless, I got a poster signed by the author! Now I just need to clear a space in my office...

Challenge: can you find me in the crowd?

1 comentario:

Lynn dijo...

I'm so glad you went Karen! Way to get into things. And to win a signed poster on top of it, hey, that's cool.