sábado, 6 de julio de 2013

Edificios Condesa

Looking east on Calle Pachuca (toward apt)
Front door to apartment D7
The building that I am staying in is called "Edificios Condesa" and consists of 3 separate buildings that occupy a city block. I have been told that these were the first apartment buildings in the city plus they managed to survive the 1985 earthquake without a scratch. One of my favorite parts of the building and the area in general are all of the beautiful, old trees.

Down from the front door
I am staying with a woman from the United States who has lived in Mexico for about 50 years and in this building for something around 20-25 years. We are up on the third floor which is only a problem because Mexico City is situated over 7,000 feet above sea level (2,000 feet higher than Denver). But the good part about being on the top floor, of course, is the view! My bedroom looks out over the tops of the trees so that I get sunshine and greenery. The bonus is a view of the Castillo de Chapultepec in Chapultepec Park / Forest, which is the castle where the Emperor Maximiliano and his wife Carlota—Mexico's only monarch—lived during the 1860s.
View from my window, looking north-ish
Castillo de Chapultepec in the distance

I feel really lucky to have a big sunny window and a great view! I have not spent a lot of time in Chapultepec Park yet, but am hoping to walk around and visit the Castillo tomorrow!

My room is almost exactly opposite the sterile empty apartment that I stayed in when I was in Mendoza two summers ago. There are lots of personal touches, beautiful old fixtures (like doors and molding), and wifi!! The bed is a little hard on my back (it's really just a foam pad on a wooden platform) but it could be worse!
My desk
Desk, window, bed

1 comentario:

Lynn dijo...

It's cute! And you can't beat those views. Do you like the host woman?