domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011

Public health

I have been trying to find a gym where I can exercise while I'm down here in Mendoza. After visiting a few, I finally found one that has elliptical machines. It also offers separate weight lifting sections for women and men--a bonus.

So what's the catch? Before I can sign up, I have to have a doctor fill out a form certifying my health status. Infections? Diseases? Blood pressure. Actual and theoretical weight (what I weigh and what I SHOULD weigh). The problem? I don't know anything about going to the doctor in Argentina and I am trying to live economically. Extra (and unnecessary) visits to the doctor are not included in this plan. I went back on Saturday to talk to someone else, to see if maybe I could just run a little for them on the treadmill or lift some weights to prove I'm in acceptable shape to work out at their gym. But the woman who was working at the desk told me that by law they would be responsible if something happens to me while I'm there, so there is no way around getting a doctor to fill out the form. She suggested that I go to the public hospital--it would be free and they are open 24 hours.

This suggestion made me uncomfortable. I know very little about the health system in Argentina, but coming from a system where you do not go to the emergency room to have someone complete a form that will allow you to join a gym, I'm feeling felt uneasy with the idea of the Argentine taxpayers paying for a frivolous visit (? this is a U.S. way of conceiving of the issue, I wonder if it translates here?). But, it could also be a valuable opportunity to learn about the public (vs. private) health system here, so I decided to see what would happen.

But stay tuned! We all have to wait until Monday for the answer. When I arrived at the entry to the hospital, the guard told me that I'd have to return on Monday at 8am, and go to the 6th floor. I have a feeling that it would be faster and easier to go to a private doctor's office, but I'm interested in what the public health system is like.

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